
Betfair Bot: Basic Functionality


This is the 2nd post of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”.

In the first blog post of this series I mentioned all the tools and software I am using when working on betting bots based on .NET C#.

Before I will start I just want to mention that you are using the given information and software on your own risk. I am not responsible for any problems and issues.

Today we will step into development and I will write about the following functionalities every bot of mine has:

  1. Logging
  2. Local Database
  3. Saving Settings in Registry
  4. Bot Handling (Start/Stop)

You will also see the structure of the bot, but most of the classes are not yet finished, especially the ones which are related to the Betfair API.

It might be useful to download the Visual Studio 2005 project first and look at the source code and the descriptions in this series simultaneously.

DOWNLOAD-LINK Betfair Betting Bot Project

I will now go through a few classes and files first and give information about important things to consider:

This file contains the main entry of our application which means if you start the application the first call is the so called “main method”. Generally this main method calls the first windows form.
To make things easier I always add the following line as the first command in the main method:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
                new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

This means we are listening to the event “UnhandledException”. So if we forgot to insert some exception handling anywhere in our application we do not have search why our application throws exceptions and crashes. We will get a message box with some debugging information and we can locate the error much faster, especially in threading related source code. In addition we need to implement a method “CurrentDomain_UnhandledException” which will show the message box. This is already done. 

This is our main windows form with all the controls we need to show market information or any information we want. To make it easier I only will place a few controls for debugging information.

This windows form is the form we are using for login into Betfair. Currently there is no functionality implemented. I will update this form in the next article, which is related to Betfair API.

This class will handle all the connectivity to Betfair API. Currently it is not yet implemented, but I added it already to give you an overview of the structure of the bot.
I also already added web references to Betfair API. We will need this in the next article.

web_references (web references in project explorer)

I only added a reference to global service (for login functionality etc) and a reference to UK exchange (for getting prices, markets etc). If your bot should also work for AUS markets you need to add a reference to AUS exchange too.

1. Logging Functionality
When developing an application it is always useful to know what is going on in your application. Therefore I am always creating logging functionality in every application I am working on. The logging in this bot consists of two parts:
a) General logging into a console:
This is done via method “LogIntoConsole” in form frmMain.
Use the call


to log something into console. This logging is working non-blocking, that means even if you log many large messages or variable contents the user interface is still responsive.

b) Logging into a log file:
This is done via LoggingTask. To perform a log into a log file use call


There will be created a log file in the path where the executable is. For each day you will get another file, so the file name contains a part of the date, something like “debug_11_30.log” for 30th November. This logging is done in a background thread, so again if you are logging huge data the application is still responsive an not blocking.

2. Local Database
Using local databases is really important, especially if you want to be able to load data into your bot from external data sources. For example you can create a bot which places bets on horse racing depending on various criteria from Adrian Massey’s Rating from http://www.adrianmassey.com/28/rating.php.
You can let your bot scrap the webpage or save it manually into MS Excel and save it as comma separated value file and then let the bot read the file and place the bets for you, if certain criteria fit your strategy. For saving data like this you can use a local database in your bot. Therefore I have created a SQL Manager which does all the work for you:
For demonstration how to work with a database I added a SQL table called “Settings” for saving settings for the bot. So you can save settings like stake, max odds, min odds etc and every time you start the bot all the settings will be loaded from the database.
I only created a sample of this SQL Manager. To get your settings working you need to add some functionality. The same, if you want to save horse racing data. The steps to add something like this are:

1. Write a method for creating the SQL table like I did in method SQLManager.createSettingTable().
2. Call this method in SQLManager.Initialize(). So now your table will be created at start of application, if it is not yet present.
3. Write a method for saving objects into database like I did in method SQLManager.SaveSetting(string key, string value).
4. Write a method for getting objects from database like I did in method SQLManager.GetSetting(string key).

So now you can save settings for example like this anywhere in the bot with
SQLManager.SaveSetting(“stake”, “10.00”);
and get it back with 

I am not using a database for saving settings, but just want to give an example. I am saving settings via Registry:

3. Saving Settings in Registry
This is done via class Data.CRegistry.cs. All settings will be saved in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyBot.
I added a few methods in CRegistry for demonstration. So with this example you can save stake size, min odds and max odds. If you want to add further settings, just copy one of the methods and modify it accordingly. Saving stake sizes for example within registry call CRegistry.saveStakeSize(10.00); and get it from registry call double stakeSize = CRegistry.getStakeSize();.

registry(Example: Settings saved in registry)

It is up to you to decide whether you choose database or registry for saving settings.

4. Bot Handling
What do I mean with “bot handling”? When using an automated betting system it is always useful to start and stop the bot. Therefore I created an enumeration called BotStatusEnum, which indicates whether the bot is running or not.
Another important thing to consider is, that starting the application via clicking on the executable does not automatically mean, that the bot is running. To start the bot itself you need to click on start button in the top left menu. If the bot then is running you can stop it by clicking on stop button. I also added a closing form handler which means if the bot is running and you click on the X on top right unintentionally, you will always get a message that the bot is still running an can not be closed. The is really important if your bot trades automatically on Betfair. So you can implement rules for automatically closing trades on application exit to keep your liability as small as possible.

Wow, what a huge blog post. Hopefully I did not miss any information. If so, feel free to drop an email or leave a comment. In the next two blog posts of this series we will step into Betfair API handling. This will be really interesting, especially login/logout, market handling (add and remove markets), getting prices and placing bets.

Cheers, Loocie


Betting in the Zone

Hi folks,

Long time since the last blog post. I am still there and working on the betting front.
Generally, when betting related bloggers publish blog posts less frequently than earlier there are two common reasons: Their betting/trading is not successful as expected or everything is fine. Luckily I am one of the latter one.
To give you an idea about the results of the last months here is an overview:

  • Sept: +225.29 pts
  • Oct: +370.52 pts
  • Nov so far: +73.92 pts

All the profit comes from betting on horse races with the semi automated version of HorstBecker.
The change of the weather conditions and the change into the jump season had an effect of our results for November. During the first week we were 50 pts down but our confidence is still big enough to handle those down swings and currently we are looking at a solid profit of 73.92 points.
I mentioned in the last blog post, that Muxor and me enjoyed a part of our profit with a short vacation in Malta at the end of October. Here are some pictures (Click on images to enlarge):

SAM_1049Our Private Extra-Large Terrace 

SAM_1089 Looking for a speed boat to hire

SAM_1109 The Westin Dragonara Resort Malta – Our Hotel

SAM_1136 Blue Lagoon – View from the speed boat

We really enjoyed the trip to Malta. This was our first big reward we had from our betting and I am hoping for more of that.

The move into my new flat is already done, but there are still things to work on.

Today only a meeting in Kempton takes place, so I will have some time to work on the next article of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”.

That’s it so far. Have a nice Sunday!

Cheers, Loocie


Preparing for Malta

Hi folks,

last few months have been fantastic. Manual version of HorstBecker performs really great. I am twittering (does this word exists??) the results on a daily bases. It is really comfortable to publish a small statement rather than writing a blog post. I can do it with my mobile, too.

Next week I will start moving in my new flat. A lot of work to do, but before Muxor and me will have a short vacation in Malta. Weather will be great and much better than in Germany. I will post some photos and I am sure it will be really exciting.

I have not forgotten my blog series about the bots. I think I can finish it after my move.

Cheers, Loocie


Busy Times


Busy Sorry for not posting that often on the blog at the moment. I know there are a lot people out there waiting for the next blog post of the betting bot series.
Currently I have not enough time for anything. I am working on a job change and I am preparing for moving in a new flat. Really busy times at the moment.

Cheers, Loocie


Summary August 2010


Today I will give a small update about how I am progressing at the moment.
Currently I have not much time to write in detail about my betting, because I have a lot to do at work.
However, I am still progressing with the semi automated version of HorstBecker. Finding the bug I mention earlier was really helpful.


August produced a total profit of 305.59 points!! This was the first month where I made more money from betting than money I get from work.
A few days ago I also checked the source code of the full automated version of HorstBecker and the bug was also present. I fixed that, but we need to wait for end of September to see if this will improve results or not.

I am also still working on the next section of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”. It is not yet finished, but hopefully I will get some time to finish work on that.

That’s it so far.

Cheers, Loocie


Betfair Bot: Environment/Setup

Hi folks,

here is the first blog post of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”.

This section will give some information about the environment and setup of our work. This section is not a tutorial about using the presented tools, because there are also other tools available and giving a complete overview of all developer tools would cost too much time.

Hardware Environment:
There is no special hardware required. Make sure you are using a computer with Microsoft Windows. I started working on the bots under Windows XP and now I am working under Windows 7.

Software Environment:
I am working with Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2005. vs_screenshot I am sorry, but my version of Visual Studio is in German and I can not change the language so far. If there are any questions feel free to ask.

Visual Studio is not only a code editor. It has also a forms designer which let you create windows user interfaces via drag and drop, which saves you a lot of time.

An alternative for Visual Studio might be Microsoft Visual Studio Express. I must admit I do not have any experiences with VS Express, but I am sure there are many tutorials out there about this tool.

You also need to have Microsoft .NET Framework installed on those computers you are running your bot. When installing Visual Studio I think the framework is installed too. But if you want to run your bot on another machine, maybe a Virtual Private Server, make sure that the framework is installed. To download the framework just visit Google and enter “.NET Framework”. You will get a lot of results for downloading. It is free to use.

Generally my bots are using local databases. Therefore I am using Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5. This is an embedded database, which means you will have a single database file with file extension SDF. You can use this database like a common and well known database like Oracle or MySQL. The advantage is you do not need to care about database management handling like table spaces and user privileges etc. You just need to create your database tables and save your data.
It is really easy to use. You can save your matched bets and prices of single selections for tracking etc.
I am using the database for saving matched selections, so I can start and stop my bot without losing data, because they are stored in my local database. If those data are only available in memory in variables an objects I would lose them if my bot crashes or if I would stop the bot. It is not required, but it is really helpful.

When using Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 you need to be able to have a look at your SDF files. I am doing this via SDF-Viewer. You can also use Visual Studio for that, but for me it is much more comfortable to use SDF-Viewer.

Today’s section did not help much about getting really in touch with Betfair, but I think it is necessary to give an overview which tools I am using. If there is anybody also working on betting bots feel free to add your thoughts and comments about the tools I am using and also about the tools you are using which are not mentioned in this blog post.

The next section “Basic Functionality” will handle all the stuff I am using for logging, data management (database), settings and bot handling. We will also see how I am organising my bot projects, which will help us to use the same source code easily in another bot again without recoding the same stuff again and again. At the end of the next section we will have our first self created software. We will be able to start and stop the bot, create logging entries, we will use registry settings and we will get in touch with threading and event handling.

That’s it so far.
If there are any comments or questions feel free to drop an email or leave a comment.

Cheers, Loocie


Creating A Betfair Bot With C#


programmierer_binary I get many emails from readers about my betting bots. I think it is clear that I can not give too many details away how the bots are working. If I would do that I will lose the small edge I might have, but I know there are people out there having a strategy in mind, but they have troubles to get them working, because they can not sit down in front of a computer day in day out.

I want to publish a series of blog posts about how to get the Betfair API stuff working. The aim is to create a basic framework of a betting bot, which means a betting bot with the following features:

  • Login/Logout
  • User Interface with market details
  • Debug logging
  • Database connection
  • Betfair API functions (get prices, etc)

The series will contain the following sections:

1. Environment and Setup

2. Basic Functionality

3. Betfair API I

4. Betfair API II

5. Final Thoughts

I will update the link to each section, if it is published. At the end of every section I will provide the current progress of the bot as a download of a Visual Studio 2005 project, so you can play around.

I will not go too much into technical detail, so it might be helpful to have some experience with software development. You should know the common program flow controls like “the for loop” etc. If you are not familiar with it, try this tutorial

C# Tutorial

I will more concentrate on the “higher technical aspects” like multi threading or event handling, because I get many emails from people struggling with it and having a bot with freezes from time to time.

This series will be far away from being professional. I taught myself how to work with C# and Visual Studio, so feel free to give helpful comments for me and all the other readers, if there is something not that correct or if you have an idea how to do some things easier or faster.

This series will not create a bot you can use and make a lot of money just by running it. For demonstration I think we will implement a simple strategy, but right now I have not a certain strategy in mind.

That’s it so far. Currently I have not yet a time schedule when to publish the blog posts. I hope I can finish one post per week.

Cheers, Loocie


Still Here


a long time since the last blog entry. I am sorry, but at the moment I do not have much time to write about my betting stuff.

As mentioned so often, I do not want to bore you every day with figures how much I lost or won.

I totally stopped manual trading on Betfair. No tennis, no football, no Formula 1.
I concentrated on working on the betting bots and it seems there is an edge for me. The semi automated version of HorstBecker is running really well at the moment. I had a really long run of up and downs before I identified a bug in the source code. I am really glad I found it, because results changed a lot in my favour with the new version of the software. Currently I am up for this month 152 points!

That’s it so far. Will keep you updated!

Cheers, Loocie




not many updates this month so far. Summer has arrived and I try to avoid spending time in front of the computer.

However, I am still doing the selections and this month has been a bad one so far.


Currently we are facing a loss of 7 points, but as you can see there has been a big down swing.

We investigated the selection process again and we identified a bug in the software. Resolved the problem.

Still a few days to get back into profit zone. Will update again at the end of the month.

Cheers, Loocie


Germany – Spain 0:1


I am not in the happiest mood, because yesterday we lost the semi final of the World Cup 2010 against Spain.

I am not disappointed, I am sad that our team could not perform their best. Spain won the match well deserved and I hope they can win the Cup on Sunday.

I also want to mention that I am proud of our team: They gave us so many great moments and if we lose against a better team we need to accept that.

Cheers, Loocie


Argentina – Germany 0:4


what an incredible match it was versus Argentina! It is hard to describe what I am feeling right now. It feels a little unreal, but it is cool :)

I watched the match in the same location I watched the match versus England and again it was amazing! What a really stunning performance from Germany and I am so happy we made the semi final again.

It is great to see, that it does not matter if you have a few super stars in your team like Messi, Ronaldo, etc. Football is still a team sport and if you play as a team you can beat every other team which only relies on the performance of their super stars.

Cheers, Loocie


June Roundup


June is over and I will take the time to give an update how I did.

The semi manual HorstBecker produced a total profit of 64.74 points, which is ok.


After last months performance I expected to get more out of it, but I can not complain.

I am progressing on the football value system. The database model is already created and I will start coding the other components and the user interface. I am not yet sure if I will create an AJAX based application or a common web site, because the aim is to make the web based system available for mobile devices, too. So it can be used without having a laptop or pc available. This month I bought a HTC HD2 mobile device which is a great device. I like the idea to get a notification via email or SMS from the system when new selections are available and place the bets via mobile device.

I will keep you updated.

Cheers, Loocie


Germany – England 4:1


what a great match it was…for Germany!


I know we have some blog readers from the United Kingdom and I know it is brutal to see the own team losing…but I think it is worth to mention the incredible win against the Three Lions.

To be honest, yes, the shot from Lampard was a goal and the score had to be 2-2. Is this poetic justice, is this the reverse Wembley goal? The question is simple: It does not matter! The far better team won the match well-deserved.

I watched the match in a beach area and the atmosphere was amazing:

Cheers, Loocie


Shaky Month


Sunday morning, a good time to do a proper blog post. The FIFA World Cup 2010 is underway and I watched many boring low scoring games. Is the vuvuzela sound the reason for having such boring uneventful matches? Hopefully the final group stage matches will bring some more excitements.

What’s up on the horse betting bot front? June has been a shaky month so far.


Currently the semi automated HorstBecker is 34 points in profit. I expected Royal Ascot to give the month a boost, but it did not. At the moment not a huge profit compared to last months stunning performance, but still a profit. There are many “services” out there which would be happy to claim a monthly profit of 34 points or more, so I can not complain.

At the moment I am working on a football value betting system. I have the whole system including the technical aspects detailed in my mind and today I started creating the database model. I am sure this system can be used by many people, because there is so much liquidity available, so I will create a web based system for that. I am not sure if it will be available for everybody or just for a closed group, not yet decided. The first step is to get it running until the new football season starts. This means a lot of work, but I will keep you updated how I am progressing.

That’s it for now. Have a nice Sunday!

Cheers, Loocie




now I have the time to do a proper blog post about what I have done in the world of betting during the last few weeks.

I stopped concentrating on trading live sports event. I am not progressing as expected, so I decided to spend my time on working on the betting bots.

HorstBecker and LaylaCheval are currently running in simulation mode. The results have not been that consistent as expected.

I created a semi automated version of HorstBecker and the results are stunning so far. It made 334.29 points profit in May.

I also created a bot which trades inplay horse races. Currently it is running in simulation mode and collecting data, but looks also very promising.

At the moment I am working on my central tracking platform to create automated reports about the results and stats of the betting bots work, so I hope soon I can publish some more detailed information how the bots perform.

That’s it so far. Later Soderling will play Nadal in the final of French Open 2010. Hopefully it will be an exciting match.

All the best,



Stopped Trading


a long time since my last proper blog post. Much happened this month, so I think it is time to give an update.

I have decided to stop my personal trading on sport events. Currently I am not able to make a decent return on the time I am spending trading tennis or something else. Most of the action takes place during the day when I am at work and there is too much distraction, so often I am not concentrated at all. I also did not develop the confidence I think I need to have. So currently I have to admit, that manual trading does not work for me.

But this is not the end of the blog. I still have another iron in the fire: The bots.

I will write something about the bots in the next blog post, but will give you a promising insight with this screenshot:


It shows the pl figure in points of one of the bots for May.

Cheers, Loocie


Still Here


just want to let you know I am still here. Will give an update in a few days.

Cheers, Loocie


Analysis of April 2010


it has been quiet during the last few weeks. I did not write anything about my trading, because at the moment I do not have any interesting stuff to say and I do not want to repeat the same again and again.

However, I traded some sports events, so let’s have a look how I did:

Horse Racing: -€84.54
Worst month for the lay selections so far. I decided to stop it for a while. I will restart the selections again, but have not yet decided when to do that.

Motor Sport: -€11.00
Just a small bet on the winner market of the China Grand Prix, which did not work out. I am really sad about the new rules of the season, because now there is not much activity in the fastest lap market like last season. Maybe I have to skip this sport.

Soccer: –€21.93
Currently I am testing a few ideas with small stakes, so nothing to worry about.

Tennis: €67.97
tennis_graph I love trading tennis and I hate trading tennis. Will it every work for me?
I don’t know how much I wrote about trading this sport, but maybe it was way too much.
After the first down swing of the tennis trading in April I took a break and tried to erase all of my “knowledge” and of course all of my prejudices about the sport and about the odds movement. Then I tried to trade the matches with intuition. That means I used various stake sizes, depending on how confident I was about the trade. I also placed some bets based on value. The value investing concept is simple: Just place a bet or start a trade if the odds are wrong. Therefore you have to deal with losing runs, but that is just a matter of money management. The problem with the concept of value investing is how to estimate the true value of a bet. On long term your results will tell you, if your selections offered value or not.

Total P&L:  -€49.50

Another month of learning the hard way. The funny thing is I already wrote about those issues before, but it is quiet different to know the facts and to be aware of them.
I know the facts, now I need to be aware of them.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

2010-04-14  21:05  Kemp (AW)    GOLD RULES 1st 

Another loser! I got matched early at 3.20 while Betfair starting price was 4.0.
I need a little break to do some analysis on that. So no selections for the next few days.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selection:

2010-04-12    15:50    Wind    BRYNFA BOY 4th

I got matched early at 4.10 (reduced to 3.21 caused by a Non Runner) while Betfair starting price was 7.90.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selection:

2010-04-08    18:50    Wolv (AW)        AZLAK  1st

The down swing continues. I got matched early at 4.10 while Betfair starting price was 5.75.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selection:

2010-04-05 17:05 MONETARY FUND  1st

I got matched early at 3.35 while Betfair starting price was 4.72.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selection:

No selection.

Additional Information:
Tomorrow we will have also no selections, because there is no racing in UK. Next possible selections will be on Saturday.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie

Analysis of March 2010


same procedure as every month. Here is an overview how I did:

Personal Trades

Football: €14.21
I traded the Correct Score market a few times. There is much potential in this market, but I need to be more selective with the matches I trade on. I was well in profit, but then I got a little too confident and traded too many matches and gave much profit away. Being selective is the key. That is a huge task for me for the next month.

Horse Racing: €35.37
A solid month for the manual lay selections. Was a little disappointing to finish the month with a losing selection, but it was just a question of time to hit a winner.
I am now doing the manual lay selections for more than a year and I am very confident with it.

Motor Sport: -€48.99
I burned my fingers during the first two races of the new Formula 1 season. Trading the fastest lap market seems to be totally different with the rules. There is less activity in the market compared to last season.
I tried a few new ideas, but it did not work out.

Tennis: €12.00
tennisAt least I have green figures on the tennis trading front. In March I tried to observe myself during the trades. I think my problem with trading in general is, that I do not have a specified goal. I need some kind of gratification for having a good trading month. Currently I am still on my bank building period, so the only thing I know for the end of the month is that I will have a bigger trading bank for the next month, but that is not a gratification for me. Therefore I am sometimes forcing trades to push the bank to a higher level. At the moment I am far away from a professional approach.

Total P&L:  €12.59

Another disappointing month, but at least one with green figures. During the month I had a profit of €120.00 but then I forced too many trades and gave much of the profit away.
Therefore I will set a profit target of €100.00 for April.

Betting Bots

horstbeckerMarch produced a profit of 74 points, but still in simulation mode. We placed the bets for the Cheltenham Festival and got a decent profit of about 40 points.

Today the bot will place its selection live on Betfair again. Let’s hope for another solid and profitable month.

March produced a total loss of 50 points which is really disappointing. We had some technical problems with the Betfair API again and the so called BET_IN_PROGRESS issue. It is still not solved, so we missed some profitable selections. We also decided to stop the bot on the Cheltenham Festival after the bot laid a high priced winner. Was a really bad decision. Overall the Cheltenham Festival produced a small profit of a few points, but only on simulation mode. There was also a profitable Sunday, but Betfair did not work on that day and we missed another profitable day. If everything would have been fine the bot still would have produced a loss of 5 points in March.

That’s it for now. Will post later possible lay selections.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

2010-03-29    17:00    Towc    PROBLEMA TIC  1st

It had to happen! PROBLEMA TIC won the race. I got matched at 3.10 early while Betfair starting price was 5.79.
This is part of the game and just another motivation to build up again such a long winning streak.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selection:

2010-03-23    15:30    Sthl    CALON CRWBIN   2nd

The profitable run continues! Betfair starting price was 4.3 and I got matched early at 4.2.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie

Chievo v Catania


Currently I am doing some research on value betting on soccer matches. I am not an expert, but this pre match odds looks special:


Does anybody has information why the draw is favourite here?

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Our first Cheltenham


the 2010 Cheltenham Festival has been our first Cheltenham Festival ever.
During the last few weeks we saw HorstBecker, our horses backing bot, performing better and better on simulation mode. So we decided to let it placing its selections on Betfair:
cheltenham_horstbecker This P&L figure also includes a profit of +€5.32 from a lay selection, so the Cheltenham 2010 total P&L is +€82.42.

The bot had 42 selections and 6 winners (using €2 level stakes).

The weather is improving day by day and also the performance of the betting bot is improving, too. This weekend we will do some analysis on all the data we have and the aim is to get the bot ready for placing bets again from April on.

The Cheltenham Festival was really exciting. I watched a lot of races on Betfair live video. Was impressive to hear the crowd during the races. Great atmosphere! I think it is just a question of time, when I will visit the festival.

Cheers, Loocie

Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

2010-03-17    14:55    Hunt    BERTENBAR   4th

BERTENBAR was the 10th profitable selection in a row! This is a new record! Betfair starting price was 5.70, but there was enough money available to lay below or equal 5.0. I got matched @4.60.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

2010-03-15    17:20    Taun    REBEL DANCER  4th

REBEL DANCER is the 9th profitable selection in a row! I got matched @4.2 (reduced to 3.76 caused by a NR) while Betfair starting price was 3.88.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Hitting the Jackpot!…On Paper


currently I am not writing as much about my trading in general, because this month is really quit so far. Just placed bets on my lay selections, traded a few tennis matches and had some bets on soccer.

I am working on a few things at the moment: Next step is to get a Baseball Bot running. Pre season is already running, so the goal is to have the bot available in April when season starts.

Today HorstBecker, the horses backing bot hit a nice winner in the Wincanton 17:30 race. Reinriver won the race with a BSP of 99.30!


This puts the month into the profit zone, but only on paper. Weather in UK seems to improve from day to day, so I am pretty sure HorstBecker will produce more winning days.

LaylaCheval, the horse laying bot is not yet in the profit zone. Currently we are looking at a loss of -16.65 points in March.

Cheers, Loocie

Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

No selection.

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie


Lay Selections


Today’s selections:

2010-03-06    16:00    Donc    CUCUMBER RUN  2nd
2010-03-06    17:10    Donc    DOCTOR DAVID  2nd

A really profitable day with both selections came in 2nd.
CUCUMBER RUN    Early:    2.54    BSP: 2.24
DOCTOR DAVID    Early:    3.75    BSP: 3.54

NB. All selections are lay selections. Only lay the given selections, if the odds are less or equal 5.0. If the price is greater than 5.0 it is not a bet. I recommend to take the early odds and a maximum liability of 5% of your bank roll on each given selection.

Cheers, Loocie