
Betting in the Zone

Hi folks,

Long time since the last blog post. I am still there and working on the betting front.
Generally, when betting related bloggers publish blog posts less frequently than earlier there are two common reasons: Their betting/trading is not successful as expected or everything is fine. Luckily I am one of the latter one.
To give you an idea about the results of the last months here is an overview:

  • Sept: +225.29 pts
  • Oct: +370.52 pts
  • Nov so far: +73.92 pts

All the profit comes from betting on horse races with the semi automated version of HorstBecker.
The change of the weather conditions and the change into the jump season had an effect of our results for November. During the first week we were 50 pts down but our confidence is still big enough to handle those down swings and currently we are looking at a solid profit of 73.92 points.
I mentioned in the last blog post, that Muxor and me enjoyed a part of our profit with a short vacation in Malta at the end of October. Here are some pictures (Click on images to enlarge):

SAM_1049Our Private Extra-Large Terrace 

SAM_1089 Looking for a speed boat to hire

SAM_1109 The Westin Dragonara Resort Malta – Our Hotel

SAM_1136 Blue Lagoon – View from the speed boat

We really enjoyed the trip to Malta. This was our first big reward we had from our betting and I am hoping for more of that.

The move into my new flat is already done, but there are still things to work on.

Today only a meeting in Kempton takes place, so I will have some time to work on the next article of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”.

That’s it so far. Have a nice Sunday!

Cheers, Loocie


Funaki said...

A very nice reward for your efforts. Congrats! Yes , i am still here waiting for blog updates :)
The german follower Funaki :)

Loocie said...

Hi Funaki,

Thanks for dropping by.
Half of the next blog post already done. Takes much time to develop the bot and write about it. I think afterwards I will run a Q&A session, if there are questions about the bot or questions about how could something be realised.

