Today I will give a small update about how I am progressing at the moment.
Currently I have not much time to write in detail about my betting, because I have a lot to do at work.
However, I am still progressing with the semi automated version of HorstBecker. Finding the bug I mention earlier was really helpful.
August produced a total profit of 305.59 points!! This was the first month where I made more money from betting than money I get from work.
A few days ago I also checked the source code of the full automated version of HorstBecker and the bug was also present. I fixed that, but we need to wait for end of September to see if this will improve results or not.
I am also still working on the next section of the series “Creating A Betfair Bot With C#”. It is not yet finished, but hopefully I will get some time to finish work on that.
That’s it so far.
Cheers, Loocie
Die Ergebnisse von HorstBecker sehen ja wirklich beeindruckend aus. Gratulation! Seltsamer Name übrigens für nen Bot :D
Ich hoffe, dass du bald die Zeit finden wirst die Serie übers Botprogramming richtig zu starten. Gucke eh schon jeden Tag hier in den Blog rein :)
German greetings from Funaki
Hi Funaki,
danke für dein Kommentar. Der Name ist eine Ableitung von "Horse Backer", im Sinne von Wetten auf Pferde, kam uns irgendwann mal in den Sinn :)
Ich bin immer noch dabei, den Artikel für die Serie zu schreiben, neben muss ich die Dinge ja auch nochmal nachprogrammieren. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es diese Woche.
Viele Grüße, Loocie
Nice blog!
I'm currently doing the same thing in java.
250 euro profit in the first month, but i'm still using small stakes ( 5 euro/bet )
Keep up the good work.
Hi Tom,
thanks for dropping by.
Great to hear other people doing the same thing.
Would be nice to hear more about your bot, especially on what sports it is betting on, etc.
Cheers, Loocie
Forgot to bookmark the blog :)
I'm only doing the UK horse markets at the moment.
Currently monitoring the markets 20 to 10 minutes before the start and back the steamers.
November wasn't a great month compared to september/october, 45 euro profit.
Hi Tom,
Thanks again for dropping by.
Are you still doing this with your Java based application?
November is generally a difficult month. If you are in profit, everything is fine.
Please keep me updated about your bot.
Yes it's still java with a mysql database running on mac osx.
I still have a lot of things to fix, error handling when the betfair api is unavailable, internet problems and stuff like that.
The bot is only running when I'm around, I hope to leave it on 24/7 one day and do different types of sport.
I'm going to use the database to store the prices during the last 20 minutes before the race and backtest new 'systems' on that data.
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